Monday, February 23, 2009

They Grow So Fast!

Jett had a doctor's appointment last week...and my little baby isn't gonna be my little baby for much longer. He's already 13 lbs. and 24 in. long. It seems like it's been all of a sudden that he's gotten so big. He's smiling and talking ALL the time now. He takes one, sometimes two naps a day but other than that he's up all day. When it comes to night time though, he's definately a sleeper. He goes to bed around nine and doesn't wake up till ten the next moring. The other day he slept in till eleven. I know, I shouldn't let him sleep that long but I had some things I needed to do and figured that letting him sleep in once wouldn't hurt. I've officially moved him out of the cradle in our room and into his crib in his room. He's stayed in my room so long for my sake. I had the hardest time not being able to wake up and just put my hand on him to make sure he was ok. That was hard to adjust too. But, I do have to say that since he's been in his room, I've been sleeping better. Sorry that all my posts are of Jett. My life is pretty boring and when Jake and I do go on dates, I always forget to bring the camera. Hopefully I'll remember next time.

While Jett was taking his nap, I went to check on him and caught him sucking his thumb.
Since Jett is starting to discover his voice, he likes to break out in this extremely high pitched yell.

Jett has ALWAYS been a sneezer. He sneezed for the first time when he was just a few minutes old.

He's such a happy little guy.


Melissa said...

oh he is so cute! addison was a sneezer too bad. Like she would have fits all day long like sneeze 10 times in a row. I read about it and they say babies sneeze alot cuz their airways and nose and stuff is really sensitive! And what are you talking about hesawake all the time. He was asleep all sunday evening and i never got to play with him!!

Anonymous said...

I love love love his chubby cheeks Whit! I really do get sad when I think about how far you live and how I don't ever get to see him. I miss you!

Ben and Lindsay said...

He is SO cute! I love how you caught him sneezing!

Anonymous said...

I tagged you!