Monday, February 2, 2009

Jett's Blessing

On Sunday, Jake and I were able to get Jett blessed. My Grandpa Jim (Jett's Great Grandpa) was able to give the blessing and it was a beautiful blessing. We later went to Jake's parent's house and enjoyed the super bowl. Well they enjoyed the super bowl and I enjoyed a long, well needed nap from staying up so late the night before trying to get all the potatoes washed and tin foiled for the lunch after the blessing. I don't normally need naps because I'm blessed with such a good baby who sleeps the whole night. Here are so pics. This one is for you mom...You always try to get a picture of Jett's dimples.


Megan said...

I didn't even know you had a blog! I'm excited so I can now look at my baby nephew! Yesterday was great, glad you got a nap! Give the chunko a kiss for me!

Josh and Heidi said...

Hey Jake, wife and baby...
I hope things are going great. I am excited to see that you have turned your life around Jake. That is awesome congratualations with everything.