Sunday, December 14, 2008 I have some depressing news....I've been contracting every five minutes for almost fourty eight hours now. However, I'm not dialating anymore so the doc won't start me until I'm thirty nine weeks (which is Wednesday). I've been walking around like crazy and now I'm gonna try the good ol' Castor Oil trick...hoping that that is gonna kick my body into gear and pop out this baby. Or...Jett is just EXTREMELY stubborn and is in there laughing at how bad we want him to come out but he won't. He'll be experience some major consequences when he comes home. GROUNDED!!! Well...hopefully next time I'll have some better news.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Hey Whit! I found your blog through Tiffs! Congrats on having a very cute baby boy!! Hope all is well!!